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Writer's pictureBrianne Flaherty

Top 5 Mindfulness Apps

Looking to become more mindful and connect with a deeper understanding of your emotions, but not quite sure where to begin? Although electronic devices have established a bit of a bad rep for inducing stress, I’m here to shift this perspective and share with you how we can optimize our health and well-being with a quick touch of our screen! I’ve dug low and searched far to put together my top 5 apps for your mental health! 1. Happify iOS, Android, Free

I love Happify! I’m ANYTHING but technologically-inclined, so the more user-friendly, the better! It’s free to upload, however there are some in-app purchases should you choose to upgrade. This app is a great way to hold yourself accountable throughout the day by engaging in a series of tasks. The tasks are customized based on the string of questions you answer during registration. For example, if you’ve indicated that you find yourself overwhelmed with negative thoughts throughout the day, the app may encourage you to write down, in the box provided, a list of things you’re grateful for. That’s it! Simple activity, but significantly impacting your mental health in a positive way. In addition to these support tasks, Happify also provides you with an option to join a community of users. If you choose to move forward with a public setting, you’ll be welcomed by others, and connected to a larger network of support. If not, stay private and follow your own growth. It’s all about doing what works best for you! Bringing you back to the basics, it’s a great tool to use during times of distress or if you’re simply looking for a fun activity to kill some time! 2. What’s Up? iOS, Android, Free

Just as the name suggests, What’s Up is a great tool to use when reaching out for support. It provides you with four main pages to choose from based on your needs and intentions: Help Right Now, Coping Strategies, Information or Personal. These pages are filled with tools to help you through distressing moments, or provide you with some information if you’re not quite sure how you’re feeling. It’s not only a great learning tool, but offers you a platform to track your positive and negative habits in order to follow your journey. To top it off, the app provides you with a list of resources that can be explored, should this be in your best interest. Great for learning, support and accountability! I highly recommend checking this out! 3. Moodfit iOS, Android, Free

So, we’re all on board with fitbit, right? Set some fitness goals, track your activity and stay motivated - seems pretty straightforward. Moodfit is quite similar, except we’re replacing daily fitness goals with daily activities to improve our mental health. In the initial registration phase, you’re provided with a list of 9 factors that you’d like to practice on a daily basis. Based on your individualized responses, Moodfit will provide you with daily activities to engage in, explaining its significance and tracking your progress. From a nutritional tracker to a sleep tracker and anything in between, Moodfit takes your daily routines into consideration, providing you with optimal results. It’s aesthetically pleasing, fun to use and a great way to stay motivated!

4. Calm iOS, Android, Free

New to the concept of mindfulness and meditation? Calm is a great app, tailored to meet the needs of the novice. It provides guided or unguided meditations, calming music, sleep stories, soundscapes and various breathing exercises to initiate a deep state of relaxation. By subscribing to a personalized plan, Calm provides users with a “21 Days of Calm” where sessions are recorded and statistics offered to encourage users to focus on, and meet, specific goals. Aesthetically, Calm has beautiful backdrops and soundscapes that accompany your scroll through its content. It’s vibrant imaging, soothing sounds and detailed content provides users with a serene-ambience to find deep relaxation.

5. Smiling Mind iOS, Android, Free

Aside from the fact that the name is absolutely adorable, this app is 100% not-for-profit, intended to help all users irrespective of age, gender or background. Whether you’re an individual looking for a personalized program, a parent looking to do meditation with your child or an educator looking to introduce mindfulness to their students, Smiling Mind will modify the program to suit your intentions. Unique to this app is the scope of guided meditations, as plans are designed for children as young as 3-years old! It’s a great tool for families looking to introduce mindfulness concepts to their little ones, or reinforce the importance of mental well-being to their teens. It’s user-friendly and carries fantastic content. I highly recommend!

Although this list isn’t exhaustive, it provides you with a great foundation to begin exploring your emotions, learning about coping strategies, finding connection and building resiliency right in the comfort of your own home! Enjoy!

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